Laws and Rules

Cosmetic Therapy (CT) was previously a limited license under the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) until 2021 when the 133rd General Assembly updated the law in HB442 making us an unlicensed profession. Since Cosmetic therapists often perform both laser hair removal (which is still regulated by SMBO to this day) and electrolysis (not a regulated service outside of initial education requirements), another law under the 134th General Assembly via HB110 was updated to remedy the conflict regarding doctor delegation of laser hair removal to CT’s as an unlicensed profession. This law is Ohio Revised Code 4731.33 titled Use of light based medical devices for hair removal and can be found at the following link:

Section 4731.33 – Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws


SMBO has updated their rule, Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 4731.18.02 regarding who a doctor can delegate the use of a light based medical device refers to the above law. To see other information about SMBO’s rules on light based medical devices please visit the following link:

Chapter 4731-18 – Ohio Administrative Code | Ohio Laws


Another helpful SMBO rule that CT’s and their Medical Directors or employers should be aware of is OAC 4731-23 titled Delegation of Medical Tasks. This provides guidelines of other potential tasks a CT can perform under their Medical Director. The link can be found here:

Chapter 4731-23 – Ohio Administrative Code | Ohio Laws